A-Levels Group classes


Small groups of tutoring with individualized follow-up in the center (lessons can also be arranged in schools or in the privacy of your home).

A-Levels Group classes


  • A-Levels classes،Welcome to our specialized services in providing private lessons for small groups, with the possibility of obtaining one-on-one follow-up in our educational center or arranging lessons in schools or even in the comfort of your home. We provide our services to all age groups, from 6 years old to adults.

Our Plan for A-Levels classes:

  • Providing small groups of private lessons to achieve better concentration and a higher level of interaction with students.

  • The possibility of arranging lessons in schools or at home to suit students’ needs and schedules.

  • Guiding students who pass IGCSE towards passing A-Levels exams to enroll in distinguished universities.

  • Specify that the A-Levels program typically takes two years, with an emphasis on study in the first year (AS) and second year (A2).

  • Choosing subjects according to the student's career path.

  • Encourage students to choose three or five subjects and explain that most universities accept three subjects as a minimum.

  • Focus on important subjects such as mathematics, English literature, science, classical languages, history, and geography.

  • Marketing to a wide range of ages, promoting diversity, and adapting to the needs of students from 6 years old through adults.

The importance of A-Levels curriculum and group classes

  • A-Levels classes Providing lessons in small groups for each student, enhances their understanding and helps them achieve their academic goals.

  • Providing a learning environment that encourages student interaction and promotes the effective exchange of ideas and knowledge.

  • Small groups allow the teacher to balance between meeting the needs of each student and motivating them.

  • Aca Concept Offering individual follow-up sessions allows students to focus on concepts that may be more difficult for them.